Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is a 2D side scrolling beat'em up, based on the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs animated series. The game has 4 playable characters: Jack Tenrec, Hannah Dundee, Mustapha Cairo and Mess O'Bradovich. Gameplay is similar to Capcom's other beat'em ups (for example Final Fight) — players go right, fight against enemies and bosses, collect bonuses and weapons (knives, UZIs etc). In one level, players get into the Cadillac, and can squash enemies.In Cadillacs and Dinosaurs the player has access to several special attacks. They are done in the same way for all the characters, but have varying degrees of effectiveness per character. By pressing attack and jump together, the player performs a 360 attack with momentary invulnerability that knocks down nearby enemies. RShift = Insert Coin / Enter = Start / Setup your Controls in game up to 4 Players / Suported Options = Gamepad, Fullscreen, Save and Load
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