Endless Spelling Bee is an educational spelling game for kids.Android Ver. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vn.gamehoctienganh.endlessspellingbee&hl=enPC Ver: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnUEszOwQCI1jdk27fyggzOFIr8dJABy playing this game, kids will learn and remember around 300 basic English words. All words were classified into 08 topics.These topics are:+ Animal (Ant, Dog, Cat...)+ Jobs (Artist, Singer, Driver...)......There are 02 modes to be played: Topic Mode and Level Mode.Topic Mode: Kids can choose any topic they like and practice these specific words.Level Mode: Words' difficulty will increase as level increase. There are totals of 15 levels to test kids's Spelling Skill.Please visit my website at https://gamehoctienganh.vn for more English Educational Games.Have a nice day! Choose the correct word for the picture by click on correct letters.
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