FreeFall Tournament is a fast-paced, space marines third person shooter (TPS). It's a free to play browser game made by Free Range Games in Unity3D. (Ureal Tournament Clone) There are 8 classes with unique bombs, weapons, and special abilities. Jetpack through 3 low gravity maps and lock-on target to defeat your opponents in aerial combat. There are ranks, which unlock armor upgrades, all the way up to general. Good luck in the Freefall Tournament! W or Up Arrow: Move ForwardA or Left Arrow: Move LeftS or Down Arrow: Move BackD or Right Arrow: Move RightSpacebar: Jump/JetpackLeft Click: FireRight Click: Alt Fire1: Weapon 12: Weapon 2Mouse Wheel: Change WeaponsR: Reload/SpecialQ or Mouse Button 5: Ultimate (Qtility)E or Mouse Button 4: MeleeLeft Shift: Thrust Down (Fall Faster). Hold to activate Sliding (maintains momentum, but hard to turn)F: Class Specific Bomb (F-Bomb)T: ChatG: Team ChatC: Switch to Class SelectTab: Switch to TeamO: Switch to Settings
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