Three Wonders (known as Wonder 3 in Japan) is an retro arcade game made by Capcom in 1991. As the game's title indicates, Three Wonders is actually three arcade games packed into one title chronicling the adventures of Lou and Siva. Three Wonders is also included in Vol. 2 of Capcom Classics Collection for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. The first game is Midnight Wanderers, an action game where Lou and Siva embark on an adventure to find the magical chariot, traveling through a beautiful landscape filled with dangers. The second game is Chariot, a shooter that takes the duo to the skies for a high flying dogfight. The third game is Don't Pull, a fast-paced block-pushing game where the player must squash the opposition. Checkout Video and Images for more details RShift = Insert Coin / Enter = Start / Setup your Controls in game up to 4 Players / Suported Options = Gamepad, Fullscreen, Save and Load
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