Warriors of Fate is a beat'em up with nine stages. Each contains large mobs including spearman, archers, strongmen, bomb wielding opponents, and at least one Wei boss. There can be up to three players on screen at the same time in Warriors of Fate. Using two buttons, Attack and Jump, the characters all have standard moves typical of Capcom side scrollers of the day. Common enemies including Wei soldiers such as bandits, privatees, wrestlers, fatties and thieves will keep popping up from everywhere. In the end of each stage there is a Wei general as stage bosses. There is a variety of weapons in the game which can be picked up. As with most side-scrollers, food is used to replenish health and can be found in various breakable containers in the game level. Select options 1-3 to setup your controls. Gamepad supported - RShift= Insert Coin - F7 = Save - F8= Load
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